Traditional Camp Sessions

Traditional Camp Sessions
for 2nd grade through high school

Campers participate in creative, engaging, and diverse programs based on scripture, liturgy, environmental education, and conservation designed by clergy and staff. Counselors provide opportunities for the campers to have fun and learn through traditional and nontraditional sports and games, boating, fishing, sailing, hiking, arts & crafts, singing, storytelling, worship, and much more.

Most sessions are one week, with a half-week session offered for our youngest campers. Campers may choose to “bridge” from one session to another for a longer camp experience.

A Typical Day at Camp Henry

(Times and activities may be adjusted based on the age of the campers.)

7:30 AM               Wake Up

8 AM                     Breakfast

9 AM                     Clean Up

9:45 AM               Music, Dance, and Morning Program

11:15 AM               Games

12:15 PM              Lunch

1 PM                     Rest Time

2:15 PM               Swim Time

3:30 PM               Canteen

4:30 PM               Skills

5:30 PM               Free Time

6 PM                     Dinner

7 PM                     Evening Activities

9 PM                     Campfire

9:30 PM               Cabin Time

10 PM                   Lights Out